James Lank
Welcome to my portfolio
Here's a little bit about me...
I'm a fourth year Queen's Mechanical Engineer with a passion for sustainable and clean
tech, mechanical design, and manufacturing. Through my educational and work experience
I have developed a strong skill set in Mechanical Engineering, a tireless work ethic and a
core set of personal values that motivate me as I seek challenging, rewarding career
opportunities where I can make a real impact.
The demands of an engineering degree have trained me well to navigate complex, difficult
challenges with confidence. I excel in both team-based environments and long-term
independent projects. My engineering program, summer internships and advanced personal
study have allowed me to build proficiency in core tools of the trade, including CAD and
CAM software, Matlab, Python, C/C++, assembly.
I credit an advanced Computer Science course in high school for my interest in mechanical
engineering. The course structure was different to that of a normal high school course in
that there were only long-term projects with little to no instructor supervision. During this
course I was able to design, code, and develop hardware for individual projects such as a
Skittles sorting machine and an 4-bit computer built from scratch as well as participate in
group projects such as an autonomous maze-solving rover. Through this course I learned
that, like in the real world, you only get out what you put in. My work ethic and
accomplishments were recognized when I was selected to be a Teaching Assistant in my
final year.
I am proud to share a selection of my project work (see Project Tab) and would welcome
the opportunity to discuss my experiences further. Don’t hesitate to contact me at the email
or phone number below.