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Capstone Project

For my fourth year capstone project, I've joined a team tasked with creating a real-life version of the Baymax robot from Disney's movie Big Hero 6.

The Baymax robot from Disney's movie Big Hero 6 is a medical robot tasked with assessing patients using a variety of built in protocols. As a fully functional medial robot is a tall order for a half-year course, the scope of the project was narrowed into two sections that will act as a proof of concept by demonstrating basic movements and motor skills. Our team was tasked with designing a hand prototype for the robot, while a second team tackled the other section - the arms. Additional sections including the legs and spine are being developed by graduate students and are out of the fourth year capstone project scope.

Unlike projects completed over the course of years one to three, this capstone project involved very little guidance. As a result, the team was able to showcase our skills in creative problem solving and critical thinking. The preliminary design of the hand followed three schools of thought when it came to actuation. The first two, being human-inspired movement (i.e. cables acting like tendons) and movement through actuators placed at each joint, were investigated but through multiple rounds of QFD iteration the flaws in methods one and two lead the team to option three.

After conducting research into new and upcoming robots in the food industry, the team found a method of actuation that uses silicone pouches controlled by solenoid valves, utilizing positive and negative pressure to expand or contract the cells on the back of each finger. Through the use of the solenoid valves and silicone fingers, we determined this solution will have lower time and financial costs in both manufacturing and prototyping. Additionally, with fewer moving parts (i.e. cables or motors for each finger), the simpler design will lead to better trouble shooting and repairs - both essential in an experimental project like this one. For the time being, the project is at the end of the design phase and is awaiting faculty approval to continue into second semester, where the creation of a physical prototype will occur.

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